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Before you claim your complimentary copy of the book ‘Think And Grow Rich’ (valued at $32.95) we want to answer the biggest question you no doubt have on your mind...
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Well, before we tell you why we are, let’s just make clear some reasons we are NOT:
✼ This is NOT excess, old or damaged stock!
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✼ And this is NOT a marketing device with no real content!
This book IS the collective experience of 504 of the world’s wealthiest people of all time. Over history, this book has created more millionaires than any other book ever written, and thus has been dubbed “The Millionaires Bible”.
Well, to be completely honest, the answer goes right into the heart of why we exist in Australia – and our mission to inspire greater financial awareness within the wider Australian community.
It's part of our TOP 5 INSPIRING GOALS that include:
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And finally...
✼ Inspire Through The Distribution Of 1,000,000 Books!
In short, we figure the best way to ensure ONE MILLION Aussies get a copy of this powerful, international best-selling Think and Grow Rich Book (valued at $32.95), is to give them away!
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This website is NOT prepared, approved, licensed, endorsed or sponsored or otherwise affiliated with Napoleon Hill; his family and heirs; the Napoleon Hill Foundation; the Ralston Society or any past or present publishers of this book.
The website, physical book and digital eBook are dedicated to the classic work, “Think And Grow Rich” written by Napoleon Hill in 1937. This electronic eBook edition, published in 2008 by TGR Seminars, is a reproduction of the complete 1937 version, originally published by The Ralston Society and is now in the Public Domain.
THINK AND GROW RICH™ is the registered trademark and property of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.
The book title “Think And Grow Rich” as used by this website, physical book and eBook, and any references used are for illustrative purposes only, without permission and are not authorised by, associated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the Napoleon Hill Foundation.
Any reference to “Think And Grow Rich” within the text or domain name is by necessity in reference to the title of book.
Re-Publisher’s Preface
This physical book and digital ebook version of “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill has been made available because we truly believe that this text contains ideas and concepts that have the power to transform people’s lives. We sincerely hope that this text helps you to begin YOUR journey to discovering the riches in your life.
We have taken great effort to ensure that this text is as close to the original version as possible. Bringing you this free version of the physical book and digital eBook took several weeks of preparation. A great deal of time was spent sourcing the content from numerous sources available in the Public Domain; checking, proofing and re- checking the material to have the correct italics (ensuring proper emphasis of the text is conveyed); creating graphics we hope you find visually appealing as well as preparing a website dedicated to the free distribution of the ideas contained in this book.
If you enjoy this eBook and feel it would be useful to someone you know, please recommend this Think and Grow Rich physical book and digital ebook to a friend and help us continue our work in actively promoting this classic text for free.